Mar 22, 2024, 9:11 AM

Iran calls for immediate lifting of sanctions on Syria

Iran calls for immediate lifting of sanctions on Syria

TEHRAN, Mar. 22 (MNA) – Iran has called for an immediate lifting of unilateral sanctions on Syria which is marking this month the 13th anniversary of the start of a destructive war on the country.

"Over these thirteen years, the Syrian people have greatly suffered, with the conflict also having adverse consequences on the peace, security, and stability of the entire region," Iran's Ambassador to the UN Amir Saeed Iravani said Thursday.

Since the start of the conflict in 2011, he said, certain countries have pursued their political agenda in Syria through military solutions, violating the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity and supporting terrorist and separatist groups.

"Regrettably, after thirteen years, these countries are resorting to sanctions as a means to achieve objectives they failed to attain through military or diplomatic channels," Iravani told a UN Security Council meeting on Syria.

Iravani said there is no military solution to the Syria conflict, while actions such as politicizing humanitarian aid, obstructing the return of refugees and displaced persons, and especially imposing unilateral sanctions, serve only to prolong the crisis and worsen the suffering endured by the Syrian population.

The Syrian people, he said, refuse to accept the ongoing occupation of their land or any violation of their sovereignty.

"The conflict cannot be resolved without upholding the full sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic. Under no circumstances can these essential elements be compromised."

Iravani reiterated Iran's call for the "immediate withdrawal of all uninvited foreign forces from Syria".

"Specifically, we emphasize the imperative for the withdrawal of US forces occupying parts of Syrian territory," he added.

Furthermore, the restoration of Syria's territorial integrity demands relentless efforts to combat all terrorist groups without interruption, Iravani said.

The Iranian ambassador also strongly condemned the ongoing Israeli military attacks in Syria as both unlawful and provocative, serving only to escalate tensions and undermine stability.

The Israeli regime, he said, must be held accountable and forced to immediately end such aggressive actions.

Iravani said efforts must focus on rebuilding Syria's critical infrastructure, creating conditions for the safe return of refugees and internally displaced persons, and advancing the political process.

Iran, he said, is committed to a political resolution of the crisis and will continue supporting "a truly Syrian-led, Syrian-owned, UN-facilitated political process", as well as assisting the people and government of Syria to restore the unity and territorial integrity of their country.

Iran, he added, is committed to working towards long-term and sustainable normalization in and around Syria.

MNA/Press TV

News ID 213218


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